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PEPPERMINT (Mentha piperita)

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Price £4.65 inc. VAT
Code: 52

Peppermint (Mentha piperita)

Location: Peppermint grows throughout Europe and is now largely cultivated in the United States, which is the major world producer.

Extraction: Steam distilled from the leaves.

Colour and Odour: The essential oil is colourless and has a strong piercing, sharp aroma.

Description: A small herb growing up to 90cm, it has dark green leaves with serrated edges and small purplish flowers. The plant propagates by underground runners and prefers to grow in damp places.

Background: The plant is named after Mentha, a nymph much loved by Pluto in Greek Mythology. Persephone, Pluto's wife, was so jealous of Mentha that she trod her into the ground. Pluto, however turned her into an enchanting herb we all know so well. Peppermint oil is used for medicinally to treat irritable bowel syndrome. The aroma of the oil is very strong and may counteract homeopathic remedies. It is also strongly disliked by pests, both rodents and insects.

Properties: Analgesic, sedative, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory , expectorant.


Digestive System-A prime remedy for all digestive disorders such as indigestion, colic, heartburn, diarrhoea, bloating, stomach pains and nausea.

Nervous System- Can be valuable in many nervous disorders such as headaches, hysteria, palpitations, trembling.

Skin- Can help relieve any kind of skin irritation, itching or rash. An excellent remedy for chickenpox.

Emotion- Aids concentration and memory. Stimulates the brain to think clearly. Peppermint is a good remedy for shock.

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PEPPERMINT (Mentha piperita)

PEPPERMINT (Mentha piperita)
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